Privacy Policy


Here at Sugar Crush, your privacy, security and safety is of the utmost importance to us. This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information when you use our Service.

Whilst you use our service, we can collect information such as your name, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number.

We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

We use your Personal Information for providing and improving our service. By using our service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

How we collect your information

When you input your personal details when you register with us or place an order.

When you voluntarily provide us with any feedback or contact us regarding a query via your email address.

When you use or view our website via your browsers cookies. Cookies are data files that can hold small amounts of info and are stored on your device (computer, smartphone etc) when you first visit a website. We will use this information to keep track visitor numbers and behaviours, such as what pages are frequently visited.

How we use your information

To process your order

When placing your order, we will collect your personal and payment information. The payment methods we use are bank transfer via your personal bank account and PayPal. Once your payment has been made, we don't have access to and will never store your full card number, security code or PayPal password.

To deliver your goods to you

To ensure that you receive your order, we will use your name, address and phone number to be able to deliver directly or post an order out to you successfully. The only third party that will ever be receive this information from us is the postal service we use and our website provider.

To keep you updated

Once you've placed an order with us, we like to keep you in the loop. To ensure this, we will contact you via your given email address, contact number or social media handle to confirm that your order has been placed successfully and to provide you with updates on your delivery.

To keep a record of any financial transactions with you

Any previous orders placed by yourself will be stored on our secure system for us to refer back to in order to monitor our income. As stated previously, we don't have access to and will never store your full card number, security code or PayPal password.

What are your protection rights applicable to our service?

Your right to keep informed

Your right to be kept up to date with the way our company use your data. Any changes will be included here on this Privacy Policy page.

Your right to access

If desired, your have a right to request that we send over copies of any of your personal data we hold.

Your right to rectification

You have the right to request that we amend any of your personal information that you believe is incorrect.

Your right to erasure

Your right to request that we erase any of your personal information that we hold.

Your right to escalate

Your right to file a complaint with your data protection regulator if you feel that we have not have addressed your request or concern in a satisfactory manner — in the UK this is the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If you'd like to request any of the above or file a complaint, please contact us at